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Sam leaps into Jimmy LaMotta, a young man with a development disability that needs to show he can keep his job at the docks or else he will die in a mental institution. Michael Madsen guest stars as a dock worker that teases and intimidates Jimmy for being disabled. Since mainstreaming the mentally retarded is not yet a popular concept, Sam must help Jimmy LaMotta, the "slow" young man he's leaped into, get a job and gain his coworkers' acceptance, to prevent his brother from returning Jimmy to the institution. It's also revealed that Al had a younger sister who had a development disability and died in an institution.


Corey mentions the movie Invaders from Mars. It was a 1953 movie starring Helena Carter, Jimmy Hunt, and Leif Erickson in which a young boy sees an alien spaceship land near his house, and the Martians soon start controlling the minds of all the adults in town.

The story Sam tells Corey begins "About... a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. It was a time of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from the hidden base..." He is reciting the opening crawl of the original (1977) Star Wars movie (now known as "Episode IV") nearly verbatim.
